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In 2008,, the archive for Superman Movieverse fanfiction went dark. In August of 2008,, another fanfiction site with a Superman fiction section also went dark, leaving only, a few single-author fanfiction collections, and sites such as LiveJournal on the Internet hosting Superman Movieverse fanfiction in an easily readable form.
The Big Apricot (Metropolis) site went online on August 8, 2008, followed by the Big Apricot Forum on August 14, and finally, the Big Apricot Fanfiction Archive on August 20, 2008.
August 28, 2016: New look, updating Forum software, updating backend code.
April 12, 2015: Updated search engine friendly internal links. Another a major overhaul of the underpinnings of the Archive. More Mobile friendly code.
March 13, 2012: Miss Les Paul now has stories in the Archive.
January 19, 2012: Urgent: The battle against Sopa and PIPA has not yet been won. Please let your elected representatives know that you oppose the threat of internet censorship. Urge President Obama: Pledge To Veto SOPA/PIPA
April 26, 2011: All stories are now available as PDFs and as ebook EPubs instead of 'Print Friendly' Note: some files are BIG.
February 20, 2011: Cleaning up the backend code. Note - some links have changed (again).
September 23, 2010: After more than a few days of utter misery with our old hosting service and moving to a temporary space (graciously arranged by Guina over at the SHADO Library), we are NOW on a nice new server platform with a new domain name (Please adjust your bookmarks - or wait about a week and we'll have the old domain name back as well.)
August 02, 2010: Banners are finally up at Movieverse Awards - Again, congratulations to all the winners and nominees.
July 18, 2010: Movieverse Awards.
June 20, 2010: Movieverse Award Nominations end on June 30, 2010, 23:59 EDT. So get your nominations in.
March 05, 2010: A hearty welcome to Beatrice_Otter who now has stories in the Archive.
March 02, 2010: A hearty welcome to Babettew54 who now has stories in the Archive.
November 05, 2009: Just finished a major overhaul of the underpinnings of the Archive - so if you think something's gone missing it's probably just been renamed. Also added the ICRA (Family Friendly) rating system to the site and will be finetuning it as time goes on.
August 18, 2009: We're a YEAR OLD!
We have 71 registered members in the Forum and 132 titles in the Archive Collection.
July 25, 2009: A hearty welcome to Brin Londo_5 who now has stories in the Archive.
July 20, 2009: A hearty welcome to htbthomas who now has stories in the Archive.
July 15, 2009: Congratulations to all the nominees and winners of the 2009 Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards. The final list can be found at: Movieverse Awards.
July 06, 2009: A hearty welcome to Laurence_Ireland who now has stories in the Archive.
February 11, 2009: A hearty welcome to Misha who now has stories in the Archive.
February 11, 2009: A hearty welcome to Eternal Optimist who now has stories in the Archive.
February 07, 2009: A hearty welcome to SongoftheDarquePhoenix who now has stories in the Archive.
January 19, 2009: Added the Metropolis Medical Examiner. More than you probably want to know about the MOCME. Additions and corrections welcome.
January 18, 2009: A hearty welcome to RouthFan who now has stories in the Archive.
December 26, 2008: A hearty welcome to Magpieinthesky who now has stories in the Archive.
December 19, 2008: Holiday Themes added to the Archive. Stories with a holiday theme.
December 06, 2008: A hearty welcome to Vgerland who now has stories in the Archive.
October 24, 2008: LadyFii now has stories in the Archive.
October 17, 2008: Added the Compleat Character Guide. Nearly all identified characters in the films. Pictures coming soon.
October 15, 2008: We have 39 members in the Forum. We've also been updating the usability factors on the navigation.
October 11, 2008: Marcus Rowland now has stories in the Archive.
September 09, 2008: repmetsyrrah now has stories in the Archive.
September 09, 2008: Bellarata now has stories in the Archive.
September 09, 2008: Kala Lane Kent now has stories in the Archive.
September 03, 2008: We have 27 members in the Forum and are listed at Fanfiction Directory: Comics
September 02, 2008: Fan Fiction Dictionary added to Archive
August 27, 2008: Site and Archive Search added to Big Apricot Home Page and Archive Home.
August 27, 2008: Archive FAQ added to the Archive.
August 27, 2008: Guide to Ratings added to the Archive.
August 27, 2008: Guide to Critiquing added to the Archive.
August 27, 2008: Quick Guide to Grammar added to the Archive.
August 27, 2008: Site History added to the Archive.
August 27, 2008: What's New in the Archive added.
August 25, 2008: Mr Beeto and JJ-the_elusive now have stories in the Archive.
August 25, 2008: Movieverse Awards added to Archives
August 23, 2008: Series Listings added to Archives
August 21, 2008: Added review capabilities to Archives, post a review online.
Page updated: August 28, 2016
Superman is the property of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Other materials are the property of WEG.
No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, who receive no monetary benefit from their work.
Many ideas expressed here are original, however, and are copyrighted by their authors.
This Web site is in no way affiliated with Warner Bros., DC Comics or WEG