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2010 Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards
2010 Winners and Final Nominee Lists
The Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards were created in 2007 by htbthomas to honor the many fanfiction authors writing in the Superman Movieverse.
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners - your peers have elected you the best.
All banners created by rizny.
Best Overall Super Short
Best Ficlet
Best Overall Short
Best Overall Mid-Length
- Winner:

Poison, by repmetsyrrah
- Final Nominees:
Best Overall Epic
Best Fluff
Best Action
Best Angst
Best Humor
Best Family-Oriented
Clois Romance
Other Pairing Romance (Het)
Other Pairing Romance (Slash/femslash)
- Winner:

Clark/Bruce, Olive Branches, by Saavikam77

Lana/Lois, The Darker Side of the Glass: Pompeii, by lanalois4ever
- Final Nominees:
- Clark/Richard, Go and Come Back, by Kirax2
- Jonathan/Ben, Blood Brothers, by anissa7118
- Clark/Tony Stark, Men in Suits, by kirax2
Best Kiss
Best Love Scene
Best Cliffhanger
- Winner:

Revelations, by repmetsyrrah, Chapter 14
- Final Nominees:
Best Reveal
Best Parenting
- Winner:

Lessons, by repmetsyrrah
- Final Nominees:
Best One-Liner
- Winner:

“You had an entire alien civilization's history and technology downloaded into your brain? Do you come complete with a USB port?”, Identity Crisis: Yesteryear, by mak5258
- Final Nominees:
- “Wouldn't that be a great headline: Superman Exposed, Man of Steel Wrecks Plane, Kills Wife's Ex-Fiancé.”, On Wings of Steel, by kalalanekent & anissa7118
- “This was Clark, her friend, Superman, her lover, the father of their son. He was impervious to bullets and belonged in the sky, not balancing a thin line between life and death in a hospital bed.”, You Found Me, Chapter 2, by RouthFan
- “After the first five minutes of Clark handling [the airplane controls] feather-light, [Richard had] amended, 'Touch it like a woman you really, really love, Clark. I know for a fact Lois likes it a little firmer than that.'”, On Wings of Steel, by kalalanekent and anissa7118
- “That was one time, and it was only because it was laundry week! And so sue me if I was a little star-struck talking to a man who could fly! Besides, would you have rather I'd gone commando during our first interview?”, Life Intervenes, Chapter 5, by Wahoogal06
Best Ending
Best Dialogue (non-romantic) - Tie
Best Description
- Winner:

Proximity, by RouthFan
- Final Nominees:
Best Plotting
Best Canon Characterization
Best Use of Supporting Characters
Best Villain
Best Original Character
Other Bests:
Best Work-in-Progress
Best Completed fic of any length
Best Series
- Winner:

Little Secrets Snapshots, this year’s entries, by kalalanekent and anissa7118
- Final Nominees:
- Also nominated:
Best Overall Author
- Winner:

Kalalanekent & Anissa7118
- Final Nominees:
- Brdwaybebe
- RouthFan
- Wahoogal06
Best Beta
- Winner:

- Final Nominees:
Best Reviewer
- Winner:

- Final Nominees:
- Saavikam77
- JamesTKent
- Brdwaybebe
- Barb1808
Superman is the property of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Other materials are the property of WEG.
No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, who receive no monetary benefit from their work.
Many ideas expressed here are original, however, and are copyrighted by their authors.
This Web site is in no way affiliated with Warner Bros., DC Comics or WEG