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2010 Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards
2010 Winners and Final Nominee Lists

The Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards were created in 2007 by htbthomas to honor the many fanfiction authors writing in the Superman Movieverse.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners - your peers have elected you the best.

All banners created by rizny.


Best Overall Super Short

Best Ficlet

Best Overall Short

Best Overall Mid-Length

Best Overall Epic


Best Fluff

Best Action

Best Angst

Best Humor

Best Family-Oriented


Clois Romance

Other Pairing Romance (Het)

Other Pairing Romance (Slash/femslash)


Best Kiss

Best Love Scene

Best Cliffhanger

Best Reveal

Best Parenting

Best One-Liner

Best Ending


Best Dialogue (non-romantic) - Tie

Best Description

Best Plotting

Best Canon Characterization

Best Use of Supporting Characters


Best Villain

Best Original Character

Other Bests:

Best Work-in-Progress

Best Completed fic of any length

Best Series


Best Overall Author

Best Beta

Best Reviewer

Superman is the property of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Other materials are the property of WEG.
No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, who receive no monetary benefit from their work.
Many ideas expressed here are original, however, and are copyrighted by their authors.
This Web site is in no way affiliated with Warner Bros., DC Comics or WEG