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At the Closing of the Year - 18.5kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for At the Closing of the Year (0)
Set five years in the past of Heirs, the year of the Justice League's founding. In the grand tradition of all Lane-Kent holidays, Clark Kent wants one last perfect present. And Lois has one more reason than usual to want to strangle him with the tinsel.

Baby It's Cold Outside - 55.4kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Baby It's Cold Outside (0)
Sent away to North Carolina to cover a story two days before Christmas, weather conditions give Lois and Clark a real present that neither ever expected. This is our retake on the Niagara Falls scenes in SII, changing location and situation.

The Bestest Present Ever - 13.4kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for The Bestest Present Ever (0)
Something strange is afoot on Christmas morning at the Kent house. The twins decide to investigate but what they find is certainly not what they expected.

Boys' Night Out: Room at the Inn - 10.3kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Boys' Night Out: Room at the Inn (0)
What does a little boy give his mom for Christmas, especially when his parents are both high-powered journalists who have everything they want and one has superpowers?

Christmas With The Kents - 53.2kb
Rating: K+
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Christmas With The Kents (0)
Written for the first 12 Days of Clois fic-fest. Originally set in the possible future of Little Secrets, this is the first Christmas for Lois, Clark, and the twins, finally together.

I'm Not Cheating - Christmas Party - 14.7kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Vgerland - reviews for I'm Not Cheating - Christmas Party (0)
Lois is determined to get a great gift at the annual Daily Planet Christmas gift exchange. When Clark refuses to cheat to help her she is left to her own devices.

Christmas Times Five - 32.6kb
Rating: K+
htbthomas - reviews for Christmas Times Five (0)
Clark tries to make up to his new family the five Christmases he missed while he was away.

The Greatest Gift of All - 29.2kb
Rating: K+
Bellarata - reviews for The Greatest Gift of All (0)
A few weeks after the events of SR, Jason's teacher gets more than she bargains for when her student does something extraordinary. Oh and Clark has something he really needs to tell Lois.

Guardian Angels - 204kb
Rating: T
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Guardian Angels (1)
What if Kal-El returned after Luthor made his crystal continent?

Have Some Good Cheer - 13.4kb
Rating: K+
Magpieinthesky - reviews for Have Some Good Cheer (0)
Clark finds an unexpected source of Christmas cheer on his first Christmas in Metropolis.

I Saw Mommy Kissing Superman - 12.0kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for I Saw Mommy Kissing Superman (0)
Christmas Eve but the now ten year old Kent quintuplets can't figure out what to do about their parent's constant fighting. Luckily their big brother has an idea.

In The Bleak Midwinter - 29.2kb
Rating: K - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for In The Bleak Midwinter (0)
Clark and Jimmy try to make the season merrier for Lois and Jason following Richard's death.

Memory in the Flickering Flame - 31.0kb
Rating: K+
JJ-the elusive - reviews for Memory in the Flickering Flame (1)
Lois wonders if Clark will be home for Christmas Eve, a special day to her for a variety reasons.

A Photographer's Eye: Christmas Parties - 10.7kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for A Photographer's Eye: Christmas Parties (0)
Jimmy Olsen is always there, capturing the moments

Place Your Bets - 7.71kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for Place Your Bets (0)
A chance encounter in a store leads to an opportunity for two lesser known reporters to make their Christmas bonus just a bit bigger.

Snapshots - All I Want For Christmas - 36.0kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Snapshots - All I Want For Christmas (0)
At the last Christmas party before their worlds finally collide, both Lois and Kal-El have plenty on their minds as destiny draws closer with the help of a crimson dress and the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Starlight Contemplations - 7.64kb
Rating: K+
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Starlight Contemplations (0)
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away a couple contemplates their future on a doomed world.

Tis the Season - 6.3kb
Rating: T
htbthomas - reviews for Tis the Season (0)
When Clark unexpectedly is home for the evening, Lois and Jason look forward to spending some time with him. But the spirit of the season has other ideas (Deja-verse)

To All A Good Night - 13.5kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for To All A Good Night (0)
Gemma Out is the only sober person in the bullpen on Christmas Eve so naturally she's the one that has to drive halfway across town to report on the latest Superman news. But it doesn't turn out as boring as she expected.

Up on the Housetop - 10.5kb
Rating: K
htbthomas - reviews for Up on the Housetop (0)
Clark is suddenly called away on Christmas Eve, leaving Lois and Jason to pass the time until he returns. (Deja-verse)

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - 22.7kb
Rating: K+
RouthFan - reviews for What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? (0)
Lois and Clark were assigned to cover a New Year's Eve celebration held by the Mayor, but a gas leak and subsequent explosion ruins their plans with Lois in the hospital. Can Lois and Clark salvage their New Year's or will it be a flop?

What I Did in my Christmas Vacation - 15.0kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Marcus Rowland - reviews for What I Did in my Christmas Vacation (0)
An unexpected Christmas present for Jason triggers an odd series of events in Metropolis and Gotham City (fifth story in the Supergirl Returns series

Wintersong - 14.1kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Wintersong (0)
On a cold December night when the twins are two years old, Lois Lane makes a decision that will greatly affect her future and those of her children.

New Years

Before The Clock Strikes Twelve - 6.19kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Before The Clock Strikes Twelve (0)
A stolen moment for our favorite couple on New Years Eve two years before 'Heirs to the House of El'. Spoilers for 'Little Secrets' and a bit of 'Snapshots: Light Up The Sky'.

A Chance Worth Taking - 9.35kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for A Chance Worth Taking (0)
Jason decides to take a chance on New Years. Revelations- Evelyn/Jason oneshot.

A Good Excuse - 5.49kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for A Good Excuse (0)
Lois' New Years resolution isn't one Clark expects and Clark discovers something neither of them expect.

Valentine's Day

All's Fair in Love, War, & the Front Page - 39.2kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for All's Fair in Love, War, & the Front Page (0)
It's Valentine's Day in the Lane-Kent household as the usual insanity of the holiday abounds. Especially for the fifteen year old Kala and Jason. Set ten years beyond 'Christmas with the Kents'.

All Kinds of Surprises - 13.6kb
Rating: T
JJ-the elusive - reviews for All Kinds of Surprises (0)
Clark has all sorts of surprises in store for Lois on their first Valentine's Day as a couple

Apologies Are Made For Chocolate - 11.2kb
Rating: K - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Apologies Are Made For Chocolate (0)
Clark has confessed. But what will Lois do?

Bittersweet Chocolate - 14.3kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Bittersweet Chocolate (0)
Lois has bittersweet memories of previous Valentine's Days.

adult Dinner Plans - 14.2kb
Rating: M
htbthomas - reviews for Dinner Plans (0)
A fluffy one-shot set in the future of the Dèjá-verse. Clark plans an intimate dinner at home on Valentines Day.

For Jason - 9.7kb
Rating: K - Part of a Series
repmetsyrrah - reviews for For Jason (0)
Clark's enjoying a lovely Valentine's Day wallowing in self-pity before he gets a wake up call from the most unexpected place.

Seduction of the Other Sort - 33.3kb
Rating: T
JJ-the elusive - reviews for Seduction of the Other Sort (0)
Lois is willing to go to great lengths to prove the man she loves is really Superman, but he's way ahead of her on that one.

Valentine Blues - 12.5kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Valentine Blues (0)
It's Valentine's Day and an unhappy and pregnant Lois is having lunch with her mother instead of of her husband.

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Great Expectations: A Father's Day Tale - 57.6kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Great Expectations: A Father's Day Tale (0)
Father's Day has arrived and Lois Lane is keeping a little secret - again. Only this time, it's a joyful one. Hmm, could this have something to do with what they discussed in Paris two months ago? Companion piece to 'If It's Meant To Be...

Independence Day

Boys' Night Out: Floats, Flags, and Fireworks - 18.7kb
Rating: K+ - Part of a Series
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for Boys' Night Out: Floats, Flags, and Fireworks (0)
When Independence Day festivities are rained out in Metropolis, Clark takes Jason elsewhere to celebrate.


Making New Traditions - 9.25kb
Rating: T - Part of a Series
Kala Lane Kent - reviews for Making New Traditions (0)
An excerpt from the Lane family Thanksgiving dinner, as seen in chapters 70 and 71 of Little Secrets. Why can't we have a nice, normal traditional holiday like other families? Ever?


That Which Survives - 5.64kb
Rating: K+
Dandello (AKA Librarian) - reviews for That Which Survives (1)
A Halloween story - mostly

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