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Superman Movieverse Archive Rating System

The Superman films were generally PG-13, mild violence and some language although over the years 'mild violence' has gotten less mild. Fanfiction, however, can and does delve into the realms of both sex and violence. After all, the Daily Planet is a big city newspaper and Lois Lane and Clark Kent cover the city beat.

The ratings used by this site are based on Fiction ratings (The system used by

In many countries, IT IS ILLEGAL to read M or MA rated, or sexually explicit, stories unless you are 18 years of age or older. The Archive does host fiction rated M and MA. A confirmation of age is required to read these stories.

Superman is the property of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Other materials are the property of WEG.
No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, who receive no monetary benefit from their work.
Many ideas expressed here are original, however, and are copyrighted by their authors.
This Web site is in no way affiliated with Warner Bros., DC Comics or WEG