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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Introduce yourself here (Read 17226 times)
Cub Reporter

I Love Superman

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Joined: Oct 8th, 2008
Re: Introduce yourself here
Reply #15 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 12:57am
Brin Londo5 here, although my real name's Barry (Irish Gaelic, it translates roughly into "the business end of a spear", not the hebrew/semetic "Baruch", which is either "Blessed" or "Lightning"), and most of the gang here knows me from the Planet (which appears to be utterly DOWN today & yesterday.)

In "real life" (HAH! I LAUGH at the term!) I'm a former data editor for a local CD-ROM and microfilm company ("Micro Innovations") and now a full-time domestic engineer.

I started by hanging out with Deke, Blu Fiction, Devil Dog, Eiluned, and the rest of the X-Men fanfic writers over at the now-long defunct "The Cage", until I finally began writing actual fanfic for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show. Most of that is archived at, but one select piece was showcased at Vampire's Kiss until their server crashed last year. As it is, I haven't re-submitted, as the follow-up fic never got completed, due to RL issues, a crashed computer, and resumption of my original Lurker status.

Early this year, I got into Superman Movieverse fanfiction, and began reading over at again, then during a dry spell, went on a google-hunt for more and found The Planet, where Shado, Saavi, and Vger know me from, until Shado invited me here.

My wife and I are RPG-players and writers, and my wife's finally gotten into writing over at, too, although she writes game-fic, White Wolf Publishing's Exalted RPG, though she DOES read over my shoulder as I peruse and the various fic boards. (Imagine a geeky version of Natalie Portman with glasses, and you'll see why I consider myself the luckiest nerd on the planet!)

I was trying to avoid having to learn another board but I guess I will try this one.  SHADO keeps inviting me and she has been kind enough to post some of my stories here for me.

So, she snagged you, too? WELCOME TO THE APRICOT!

My writing style is probably different from most.  I do not plan way ahead what is going to happen from chapter to chapter or have the whole story outlined before starting I do have a general idea where it is all leading.  I have ideas that I build around and I find the chapters usually just seem to flow out of me almost writing themselves around certain scenes.   That is also why my chapters may be posted close together or spaced out.

You too, huh? I do the same thing, and it drives me up the wall when I talk to other writers who're so much more organized than me.
Then again, when I take those D&D alignment tests online, I either end up "Chaotic Good" or "Chaotic Neutral", which shows, I guess.  Cheesy  Grin
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Cub Reporter

I Love Superman

Posts: 5
Joined: Dec 26th, 2008
Re: Introduce yourself here
Reply #16 - Dec 27th, 2008 at 3:09am
Hi all, I'm magpieinthesky here and on LJ; on I'm Anonygirl (it actually has less to do with wanting to be anonymous than with a character I invented with my friends in grade school).

I first discovered fanfiction 10 years ago after reading the first two Harry Potter books - right after the third came out I wrote a bunch (and I'm impressed now that I had picked up so many clues for the future, though less impressed with my writing style and spelling back then), then quit when I realized HP fanfic wasn't my thing.

Fast forward 7 years to Superman Returns. I loved the action but was dissatisfied with Clark Kent's characterization - I'm a big Smallville fan, in that it's about Clark as a person - not because of the teen drama (blarg Lana!). I tore through the movies, L&C:TNAOS, S:TAS, Superboy, Wikipedia, fan fiction, and as many comics as I could get my hands on to find what I wanted to see from Clark Kent, and boy, did I find it! Since then, I've become a huge fan of the DCAU (especially Justice League!), and that has been a major influence on the 3 fics I have finally written in the meantime since discovering 12 Days of Clois on LJ.

The Librarian invited me to archive my Christmas story for 12 Days... today, and it's been a whirlwind of activity throwing myself back into these communities and just poking around, seeing what's here. Um... now I see I've written a lot. HA! Anywho, I live in Massachusetts and am a Master of Social Work student. My other love aside from Superman is Doctor Who. Swoon!  Grin

"But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better."
- Elton, "Love and Monsters"
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Cub Reporter

I Love Superman

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Location: Earth
Joined: Jan 3rd, 2009
Re: Introduce yourself here
Reply #17 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 6:51pm
Hi everyone.  Smiley I'm Ann. I'm 31 and live in the South. I've been a fan of all things Superman since I was a kid. I haven't written any fan fiction but I do love to read it.
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Cub Reporter

"Welcome to the night,

Posts: 5
Joined: Feb 5th, 2009
Re: Introduce yourself here
Reply #18 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 11:00pm
Greetings!  I'm DarkAuthoress, AKA Lazbiker26 (at, AKA priestessmagemaeve (old pen name from, where the few fics I have posted @ are under), AKA Crystal.

I'm 26, married now just a month shy of 3 years to a wonderful geek/dork from Brownsville Texas (who moved to my home state when he was 16).  Hubby was married for 13 years before meeting me, and that 1st marriage was horrible!  The ex is evil, and my 3 step-daughters are going to either be 1)like there mother (sluts, I'm afraid) dependent on welfare because they have no desire to better themselves or the 3 or more kids they'll pop out before they're 21; 2)end up in prison for some crime or being violent (as there mother is a very violent person and gets away with it); or 3)will track us down when they're 18 or older, after going thru several years of therapy after all they've been though.

Note: hubby made his fair share of mistakes, but he learned from them.  His ex hasn't and won't.

This baggage is what helps us make it as a couple, as hubby is 36, and the age difference is telling at times.  But I've been thru my own crud as a child, and knew I wanted a man who understood what it took to make a marraige for life work.  And that's what I got!   Grin

Hubby and I have 2 children (son, 17 months old, daughter 6 months old; no it wasn't planned that way  Tongue ), and I'm a stay-at-home mother until the kids are older, then I'll be back to school to finish my degree and get my officer commission in the Air Force (hubby was prior service for 10 years, so it's my turn).  I'm also a bit of an Army brat, and proud of it.

Hubby was the Superman fan, I was more of a Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings (all of which hubby loves), and Babylon 5 geek.  He introduced me to Superman via SR and I fell in love.  It helps that my hubby's great uncle is the late George Reeves, and can remember spending many a Sunday afternoon and Grandma Reeves house while still living in Brownsville.  So it's in the blood.

Husband Mike is an auto mechanic, so while having my hands full w/the kids, he's usually under the hood of a car on his days off.  We've turned that love into a paying business, along with his full time job at an Auto Zone. 

Being home w/ the kids will limit my ability to post as much as I wish, but with help from hubby, friends, and those of you here willing to help (thanks Librarian for your offer!!), I look forward to posting my fics here.  I miss writing, and it's a great break from the kids and keeps me sane.   Cheesy

Look forward to meeting all of you here and feel free to drop me a line!  And this should be my 5th post since joining, so I should after this be able to reply to PM's!  Finally! Grin

Take care!
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